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Each year Daniel speaks at low or no cost for a number of charitable organization conferences. We get lots of requests and when he can, Daniel is thrilled to help.
Most trends are driven by lifestyle and culture, and are not unique to any single industry. As a specialist in consumer trends, tech trends and business trends, Daniel is able to help you understand future changes that are impacting the world at large, and what it means for your industry.
Daniel specializes in consumer trends, tech trends and business trends. He has never given the same presentation twice, but you can expect the very latest on A.I., consumerism, technology, finance and how you can profit from current changes in the way we work, live and play. For more information on specific topics, click here.
Daniel and our team tailor brand-new presentations for every conference and corporate event. Each is uniquely meaningful to the audience it was created for, whether they are new-hires or in the C-Suite.
It’s different each time, of course, but audiences always leave with a new understanding about how to create new products or services using trends-based innovation. They return to their offices with new knowledge about using trends to market their current offerings differently and to more effectively engage colleagues and retain employees.
For keynotes, Daniel commands the stage wearing a headset mic and engaging with the audience. His slides are mainly images, most of which are designed to elicit reactions, including gasps, laughs, and comments. There can be a Q&A at the end, and if there is not, Daniel is happy to stick around to meet and talk with attendees personally. Daniel’s Playshops are positively fun, with attendees engaging each other to innovate using trends right on the spot.
Daniel has spoken to groups as small as 20 and as large as 9000. The smaller groups are generally high-level summits or workshops. Most keynotes are in the 500 range but are just as effective for 100-person audiences. Either online or in-person, we are always open to your ideas and requests. Let’s talk!
Daniel speaks on every continent every year, with the exception of Antarctica. Rest assured that if the penguins start a new trend Daniel will be there too. Of course, he offers many presentations online too. So whether you are in Anchorage or Zagreb, or your living room, let’s chat!
Most of Daniel’s keynotes are an impactful 45 minutes to an hour. Sometimes they are an intensive TEDtalk-length of 18 minutes. Other times they are an extensive hour and a half. Playshops are usually half-day or full day, and occasionally run 2 days for larger groups.
With so many production details to manage, being crazy-easy to work with is one of the business trends we embrace ourselves. We take care of everything, including all logistics, to make it as easy as possible for you. When speaking in-person, Daniel normally arrives the evening before his speech and will put on a great presentation no matter what technology you have available. For online events, Daniel presents from our professional video studio in New York. After your event we follow-up to make sure you were completely delighted.